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Start time: 10:15 am

Join us for Sunday School at 10:15 am right after morning worship that begins at 9:oo am. We have several classes for you to pick from.  Not happy with one of these? We would encourage you to start up a new class. Check with Pastor Chris for any assistance you need.


Join Bob Lloyd for a study of the letter of James in light of the teachings
of John Wesley. This study will explore the nature of faith in light of
our Methodist roots. Visit this class to learn more about your faith and
denomination. For those interested, please pick up your Wesley Adult
Student study guide today on the table outside the church office. 

Revisit an older time with the Mayberry study, as Bill Grieve leads a video and discussion based study on different episodes of the Andy Griffith Show. Draw faith lessons from this popular TV series and grow with others.

Beginning April 7, Al Perez will facilitate a discussion on The Gospel
of Mark, commencing with Mark 1:1-45. The group will need to read this
section of scripture prior to class. Al be showing a class video with Francis
Chan teaching. The series will last approximately five Sundays.

Sunday School is a priority for you and your family! We are asking you to prayerfully consider joining, leading or co-leading a small group on Sundays at 10:15am. Spiritually and historically, we are our best when we are in small groups! We know that God will bless our efforts and multiply our numbers when we gather in Sunday School. And, while that is great, we are asking you to make discipleship a priority not for church growth, but for your own spiritual growth!

LaFollette Methodist Church
808 East Central Ave
LaFollette, TN 37766
(423) 562-7348    


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